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Advisor Training Program(1 Day)

When an employer or a human rights consultant is faced with a discrimination or harassment complaint, it is crucial that the underlying problem be resolved in a timely, effective, and lasting manner. This workshop covers the necessary steps to follow to achieve this result, and is designed for administrators, human resource personnel, managers, corporate counselors, and union representatives.

Topics covered in this workshop:

  • The roles and responsibilities of an Advisor, the characteristics of an effective Advisor, and the expectations of a complainant
  • Factors contributing to conflict in the workplace, including cultural influences
  • Identifying biases which can interfere with the process
  • The initial meeting with the complainant
  • The necessary and appropriate issues to discuss with the complainant
  • Reviewing the various options available to the complainant including: complainant intervention; Advisor intervention; facilitated meeting; mediation; and formal investigation
  • Understanding the Respondent’s perspective
  • Maintaining neutrality and focus
  • Determining the appropriate and best process for resolution
  • Effective note-taking, document production & compilation, and follow-up procedures
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The Integrity Group, Vancouver, BC, are experts and professional Lawyers in Human Rights Law Consulting within North America (Canada and the United States). Helping companies to become a respectful workplace by preventing discrimination in the workplace, psychological harassment, bullying, workplace aggression & abuse, and sexual harassment. Offering policy development, workplace harassment coaching, harassment independent investigations, diversity in the workplace, Human Rights training for prevention, workshops and seminars, conflict resolution, facilitation, mediation, debriefing, interventions, and ombuds services.