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Regrettably, examples of violent behavior in the workplace continue despite increased awareness of this very serious problem and enhanced security measures taken by proactive employers. In fact, a 2004 Statistics Canada study found that almost 20% of reported violent incidents—including physical assaults, sexual assaults, and robbery—occurred in the victim’s workplace.

The economic and social toll resulting from these destructive incidents can be devastating yet is often hidden: in addition to expensive litigation, increased health and disability claims, and high absenteeism rates, the corporate fall-out includes high employee turnover, lower productivity, and long-term damage to corporate reputations and relationships.

The Integrity Group focuses on prevention through education. To that end, we help employers develop policies tailored to their organizations that address all forms of harassment, bullying, and discrimination, as well as general issues of respect and employee conflict—problems that can lead to workplace violence. The Integrity Group utilizes specialized personnel (such as threat assessment experts) who can identify safety risks and implement preventative measures.

The Integrity Group can carry out the following for your organization:

  • Draft conflict resolution policies and procedures that prevent workplace violence and cultivate a respectful workplace culture
  • Create and conduct specialized sensitivity training seminars
  • Advise on current Provincial and Federal legislation relating to workplace violence
  • Familiarize both current and new employees with your organization’s standards of workplace conduct
  • Train managers to effectively handle difficult employees
  • Carry out a risk assessment for your workplace
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Integrity Group had been around since 1996 in North America
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The Integrity Group, Vancouver, BC, are experts and professional Lawyers in Human Rights Law Consulting within North America (Canada and the United States). Helping companies to become a respectful workplace by preventing discrimination in the workplace, psychological harassment, bullying, workplace aggression & abuse, and sexual harassment. Offering policy development, workplace harassment coaching, harassment independent investigations, diversity in the workplace, Human Rights training for prevention, workshops and seminars, conflict resolution, facilitation, mediation, debriefing, interventions, and ombuds services.